Mineração de Ethereum

Ethereum is a decentralized platform that runs smart contracts: applications that run exactly as programmed without any possibility of downtime, censorship, fraud or third party interference. Ether, the platforms own native cryptocurrency is mined with the “Eth-hash” algorithm. Earned Ethers can be autotraded in the dashboard to Bitcoin, Zcash and other Cryptocurrencies.

Genesis Mining Informações de contrato Ethereum Mining

 Período do contrato *

The Ethererum Mining plans will run for a maximum of 24 months, however, should Ethereum (“ETH”) switch to proof-of-stake before the end of the term, we will use the leased hardware on a best-effort basis to mine the most profitable coin with that hardware for you. Please refer to the contract for further details.

 Taxa de manutenção

Não são aplicadas taxas de manutenção durante todo o período do contrato

Genesis Mining Código promocional  NPj8sT

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