Mineração de Zcash

A Zcash é o primeiro sistema financeiro aberto que não exige permissões e que usa segurança de conhecimento-zero. A Zcash é minerada com o algoritmo Equihash. As ZECs adquiridas podem ser trocadas automaticamente no painel por Bitcoin, Ether e outras criptomoedas.

Monero Mining

Monero was built from the ground up to focus on user choice: the choice for scalability, the choice for privacy, and the choice for decentralization. It features a proof-of-work algorithm known as CryptoNight, and makes heavy use of the ring signatures to ensure anonymity is maintained.

Mineração de Litecoin

Criada por um ex-engenheiro do Google, a Litecoin é a prata para o ouro d a Bitcoin. É rápida, eficiente e perfeita para transações pequenas e despesas do dia a dia. A Litecoin usa o algoritmo Scrypt e é minerada com hardwares ASIC especializados. As Litecoins adquiridas podem ser trocadas automaticamente no painel por Zcash, Dash e muitas outras criptomoedas.

Mineração de Ethereum

Ethereum is a decentralized platform that runs smart contracts: applications that run exactly as programmed without any possibility of downtime, censorship, fraud or third party interference. Ether, the platforms own native cryptocurrency is mined with the “Eth-hash” algorithm. Earned Ethers can be autotraded in the dashboard to Bitcoin, Zcash and other Cryptocurrencies.

Dash Mining

Dash, also called Digital Cash, offers instant and private payments online or in-store using their secure open-source platform. Dash is using the X11 proof-of-work algorithm that enables the mining of multiple cryptocurrencies singularly or at the same time.

Mineração de Bitcoin

Bitcoin is the first open-source, decentralized and most popular Cryptocurrency. Bitcoin cloud mining uses the SHA256 algorithm and is mined with specialized ASIC-Hardware. Earned Bitcoin can be autotraded in the dashboard to Litecoin, Dash, Zcash and other Cryptocurrencies.

Bitcoin Mining Cost and Benefits Comparison Chart

Uma tabela para comparar os custos e benefícios de ter seu próprio hardware e de ter um contrato com a Genesis Mining.

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